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6 Winning Email Marketing Tips For Entrepreneurs in 2024









发表于 2024-3-9 16:05:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 steps to create a link building strategy June 11, 2019Antevenio Digital Marketing Did you like our post? Rate this post Get externallinks that help you in your positioning in the main search engines. That is thebasic objective of an adequate link building strategy. More and more brands areaware of the value that appearing within the first organic results in Googlesearches has. Something that depends, to a large extend, on your website beingconsidered of value by other users and that they decide to create links to yourpages. Achieving this is not easy. In fact, the main mistake of any linkbuilding strategy is going too fast. This can lead you to getting links in anon-organic way, which is even penalized by Google in some cases. What is linkbuilding? Linkbuilding Wikipedia’s definition for link building states it is “aSEO technique that consists in getting other web pages to link to the page werewant the searchers to consider relevant for them to position it better in theirrankings.”

Link building techniques can be of two types: Natural Germany Email List ororganic. In many cases, they take place without a previous agreement of theparties that are linked. In this case, the source really considers the link assomething of value. Artificial. This takes place when there is a prior relationshipof some kind to achieve the link, although it is simulated that the link hasbeen achieved organically. Google penalizes this type of link buildingstrategy. Link building, an essential factor in SEO strategies The concept oflink building is based, therefore, on attracting links to your website, ifpossible, from quality sources. This is so because links that point to you arean essential part of SEO. A great part of your search engine ranking depends onthis factor. For this reason, link building has become one of things to whichmore attention is given by those responsible for marketing.

A large number of experts in SEO consider that link buildingtechniques can become the most important factor in order to position yourwebsite and, therefore, your brand, in a search engine such as Google. Linkbuilding provides Google with information that tells it that your page is awebsite of interest and relevance. But the strategy does not only depend on thelink itself. The reputation of those who create links to your pagefundamentally affects the reputation of linked space. To better understandthis, it is necessary to analyze the concepts of popularity and authority. Theconcept of authority in link building Google values ​​the relevance a websitehas for other pages. For this, the search engine takes into account both thenumber of links and the origin of such links, i.e. the authority that transmitsthe links. The authority is an indicator that measures the prestige andcredibility a website has on a specific topic.

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