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How to analyze institutional communication?









发表于 2023-10-26 13:46:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Institutional and integrated communication is a very popular term in Brazil, but, in fact, there is a huge distance between theory and practice.

We know that it is  strategic communication planning  that prepares the company today so that it will be well remembered in the future, without experiencing  image and reputation crises.

However, not all brands adopt spam data  integrated communication strategies. In fact, this is the minority.

With this in mind, we have prepared a complete article about the main concepts and authors in the area. Let's go?

Origins of the term Institutional communication
Therefore, the first step to having strategic communication work is to change your mind and think of  communication as an ally of management , after all, for Caywoord (1997:564), “in the current era of business, there is no tolerance for people who they wish to practice communication as a craft isolated from management”.

Therefore, it is impossible to be an integrated communicator without seeing that: communication is management and that the  basis of planning is diagnosis!

Integrated Communication in Brazil
In this sense, in Brazil, one of the great authors who addresses the concept of  Integrated Communication  is professor  Margarida Kunsch , who coined the Classical Communication Compound   formed by the elements below:

Institutional Communication (takes care of the social, cultural and image of the company); Internal ( informs with persuasion, with knowledge); Administrative (assists in the operationalization of the company , standardized information) and Marketing (sales, advertisements, advertising, marketing).

But then, did planning studies begin in the 80s and 90s with Kunsch? No!!! In 1986, we found the following definition in the work of Gaudêncio Torquato :

“Communication is, therefore, a  multidisciplinary area , mediating the interests of the participants, the interests of the company, as an economic unit, and the interests of the administration” (REGO, 1986).

Therefore, let's now look beyond borders at how this concept has developed.

Integrated communication across borders
Certainly, looking beyond national borders, we find even older and deeper roots for the term, reaching back to the 1930s, that's right! And look, we think it all starts in the 80s/90s in Brazil!

Thus, in an article called “ A review and analysis of the role of integrated marketing communication message typology in the development of communication strategies ”, Takalani Mudzanani (2015), provides a historical review of integrated communication practices.

Visions of integrated institutional communication
So, Mudzanani's literature review mentions the work “ Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive Voices” , edited by Esther Thorson and Jeri Moore (1996), as the text that delimits the 1930s as an introductory landmark of  communication practices , particularly with the work of sales representatives.

According to Mudzanani (2015, p. 91), “Communication integration is not a new concept and, in fact,  the concept of communication integration emerged in the early 1930s  . During this period, sales representatives collaborated with the advertising team.”

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