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It will be next Sunday in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Valencia Mariano admits









发表于 2023-11-29 11:53:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
That rice and eel (all i pebre) are two of his great passions; He has countless recipes based on these two elements and remembers about twenty of them that his mother transmitted to him directly. «I always look for tradition in my rice dishes, stews, pickles, with products from the El Palmar area, even fresh octopus, cuttlefish and squid . » The cuisine is one of the great references of the Valencian wetland and one of its main hallmarks. Safeguard the development of this gastronomic culture; keep authentic flavors alive; and the essences that make up all this heritage is one of the challenges that we have set for ourselves from our Alcatí Business Sports Club , with Marianet at the head of our kitchen. A cuisine that represents the people of the area, Mariano especially remembers the women of Palmar, with dishes linked to the fauna and crops typical of this ecological wonder. «Almost every day there was rice to eat; and on Saturdays, always 'arròs d'anguila al forn'.

It was the day that many women took advantage of to get the house ready and it was very comfortable, because they knew that at 2 p.m. Their baked rice casserole would be ready and they could pick it up ," he said. Mariano, enhances the brand image of the Albufera like no one else, invites us in each dish to savor the landscape and makes us participate in the culinary treasure that it possesses. And that's how  Job Function Email List we enjoyed it in our Alcatí Business Sports Club, which we invite you to visit.The culture of 'esmorzar', so widespread in the Valencian Community, is an evolution of the time when farmers stopped to regain strength in the middle of the morning. It has become a custom within reach of any pocket, practiced by all generations, where family, friends and even co-workers gather. Valencians go to 'emorzar' between 10:00 and 12:00, it doesn't matter if it's Monday, Tuesday or Sunday. There is a moment of meeting around the table, where rest and conversation are as important as the culinary level.

The majestic sandwich is preceded by some traditional tapas, such as 'tramussos' or patatas bravas. 'L'esmorzar', a gastronomic experience that usually ends with the traditional 'cremaet' coffee, a coffee made with coffee, sugar, lemon, rum and cinnamon. For this reason, the entity La Cultura del Almuerzo , with the support of Amstel and Visit Valencia , organizes the 'Premis Cacau d'Or'. Since 2015, these awards have been a recognition of the locals and people who contribute to keeping this unique gastronomic tradition alive in Spain. On this occasion, ten new sites have already joined this long list. “Like paella, the culture of l'esmorzar is tradition, it is culture, it is a meeting point, a gathering. This particular lunch has endured over time, and has more and more followers. It reinvents itself, but always under the same premises, highlighting our local product. That is why we believe that it is already part of our heritage as a people, and beyond the food itself, it is a ritual, a sign of belonging and identity," according to the Tourism Councilor of the Valencia City Council, Emiliano García , at the gala.

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