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This is MySpace today: keys to a social network that you thought was dead









发表于 2023-11-29 13:50:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Indeed, as you read, MySpace still exists . This dead man isveryalive, or rather, survives. What was once one of the original social networks and earned a place in the Olympus of platforms thanks to its success, suffered an abrupt descent to the Underworld. But, unlike what many believe, this was not the end of him.

The year was 2003 and the whole world was talking about MySpace. The social network created that same year by Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe , allowed its users to stay in touch with their friends and family, in addition to uploading photos, videos and music to their profile.

The latter became one of the central axes of the platform and Email Data MySpace became the ideal space for musical artists to share their work , bringing it closer to a larger audience and making themselves known. Some of the artists whose careers were boosted thanks to their MySpace profiles are: Lily Allen, My Chemical Romance or Panic at the Disco.

However, one of the paradigms of success that MySpace experienced and distributed is that of the famous group Arctic Monkeys . Their initial strategy was based on sharing all their information (concert dates, releases, etc.) and their music through the platform. The number of users interested in this British alternative group was increasing, their recognition led them to participate in events and finally to be signed by a record company. The rest, as they say, is history.

MySpace's fleeting success soon turned into failure
MySpace was created with the aim of overshadowing Friendster , the social network of the moment, and it succeeded. What he didn't know was that, shortly after, his great enemy would burst onto the scene: Facebook. And, he who runs a lot, soon stops, and that same thing happened to MySpace. While it is true that he enjoyed a period of absolute success... his failure would soon come. Facebook took over those who were once its loyal followers and, in addition, another obstacle appeared on the way: Twitter.

But the story does not end here, since in 2007 there was graffiti on the façade of a factory in a London neighborhood, which clearly read: “ MySpace is for losers . ” From that moment on, his failure became increasingly palpable. Next to the new alternatives that were appearing, so valued by fans of the networks, MySpace had been left behind. Without meaning, without users, without anything.

That graffiti, along with the fact that the new networks completely eclipsed MySpace, caused thousands of young people to abandon the platform and migrate to others that seemed to have a better future.

MySpace sneaked into the selection mechanics for Eurovision in Spain in 2008
Spain's participation in Eurovision in 2008 was most striking. But, beyond the fact that Chiki Chiki was danced in China and also in Alcorcón, something really curious was the methodology that TVE decided to apply in the selection process .

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