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Swimming with turtles suspended in Quintana Roo due to irregularities









发表于 2024-3-7 14:38:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) determined the temporary suspension of turtle swimming activities in the Bay of Akumal, located in Quintana Roo, until the corresponding permits are granted, announced the head of the agency, Guillermo Haro Bélchez . In a statement, he said that monitoring to ensure this suspension is carried out will be carried out by Profepa, with the collaboration of the Secretary of the Navy (Semar) and in coordination with the state government, in order to restore the sustainability of the area. and the applicable regulatory framework. He assured that the activity with turtle swimming will resume when the service providers prove they have the corresponding authorizations, in the number determined, based on the load study and in the previously delimited area. Within the framework of a work tour he carried out in Cancun, Haro Bélchez said that this measure seeks to guarantee the recovery of coral banks, species such as elkhorn (Acropora palmata), staghorn (Acropora cervicornis), corals soft or sea fans , as well as seagrasses . These species serve as food for sea turtles, so it is essential to enforce studies that limit the number of people who swim with tourists per day.

He also stated that between January 3 and 22, Profepa carried out surveillance tours of Akumal Bay to verify the presence of 3,617 tourists swimming with turtles, which represents double what is allowed within the authorized area. He added that the majority also carried out said activity outside the delimited area and without the corresponding authorizations. The surveillance actions in Akumal Bay were undertaken because citizen complaints were received.The blue pine (Pinus maximartinezii) is a species endemic to Mexico. To date, the National Forestry Commission (Conafor) has registered Europe Cell Phone Number List its development in two sites in the country, the first located in the Sierra de Morones, in Juchipila, Zacatecas, and the second in the southern part of the state of Durango. In 2010, it was reclassified by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) in standard 059 as an endangered species (P). Its common name is due to the blue-green hue of its leaves. Another physical characteristic of the blue pine is the large size of its cones or strobiles—locally known as “pine cones”—it is the largest known of the stone pine trees, since they reach a size of more than 30 centimeters and a weight greater than two kilograms. ; Its seeds—pine nuts—can measure more than 25 millimeters.

The average height of the blue pine is between seven and nine meters. In an interview with the Conacyt Information Agency, agronomist Isaac Quintero Quintero, one of the 15 owners of properties with natural distribution of blue pine, indicated that it is believed that trees more than nine meters high may be at least 220 years old. existence. He added that a large tree of the aforementioned species can produce up to 300 cones. “If each cone weighs more than two kilograms, we are talking about a tree with more than half a ton of fruit weight. In terms of nutritional value, the pine nuts produced have the highest amount of amino acids, with a reference between 22 and 23,” he commented. The doctor in resource management sciences Daniel Hernández Ramírez stated that currently there are not enough studies on the species and its ecosystem, a reason that prompted him to investigate the topic during his doctoral thesis with the promotion of social participation in areas protected natural areas of Zacatecas. For his part, Isaac Quintero reported that for 14 years he has owned an area where blue pine abounds; However, this space has belonged to his family for at least four previous generations. “This property is located in Juchipila, Zacatecas; It is a protected natural area of ​​interest to the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio) and the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp). It is also considered an area of ​​environmental services by Conafor.

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