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Industry defends the arrival of the Peugeot









发表于 2024-3-7 16:19:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The fight to take over the manufacturing of electric cars does not stop. This Wednesday, Spain firmly defended the arrival at the Stellantis factory in Figueruelas (Zaragoza) of the production of the Peugeot e-208 in the face of French pressure on the multinational to revoke its decision and move its manufacturing to French soil. . “The Zaragoza manufacturing plant has obtained results of quality, energy efficiency, productivity and social climate that make it the most competitive candidate,” said the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Héctor Gómez. Motor The Figueruelas plant is the “most competitive” candidate, said the Minister of Industry, Héctor Gómez He has also asserted that the Spanish Government's contact with manufacturers and big brands is "constant" and that it is necessary to work "with absolute discretion" for this type of project to come to fruition.

Spain is an enormously attractive country for investment by different companies such as Stellantis, which already has three factories in our country (Zaragoza, Vigo and Madrid),” he added. In the absence of official Job Function Email Database confirmation from the firm, everything is ready at the Zaragoza plant for the new model to begin manufacturing next September, when the staff returns from the summer holidays. Currently, the assembly of the thermal Peugeot 208 is divided between the Stellantis factories in Trnava (Slovakia) and Kenitra (Morocco), while the electric version is carried out exclusively in the first of these factories. Archive image of the French Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire. Alex Garcia But in France they are not resigned to being left with two candles. A few weeks ago, a French government source told the French economic newspaper that the production site “is still under discussion, and Stellantis' decision is expected in November.

It is a matter of a lot of money and the State is considering possible subsidies.” Last week, French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire upped the ante and called for patriotism" from the company to bring the e-208 to French soil. Not in vain, France owns around 6% of the shares of the Dutch-based automobile group that emerged from the union between PSA and Fiat-Chrysler. read also the vanguard Lancia prepares its return: this indescribable sculpture anticipates its future cars However, the general director of the firm, Carlos Tavares, already spoke out against the relocation of the production of this model in a recent interview with Le Figaro in which he defended his refusal due to the lack of viability due to cost issues. The economic equation linked to the relocation of this project would not be of interest to either the company or the country,” he assured.

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