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Should a Business Foundation administer the Corporate Volunteer Program? (second









发表于 2024-3-7 16:39:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In last week's installment we defined what Corporate Volunteering consists of, what type of activities they participate in and, above all, some of the most common mistakes that companies make when promoting it without a strategic plan that is integrated into the purposes of their responsibility program. corporate social (CSR) or its foundation. We began to glimpse the response that motivated this series of collaborations and affirmed that it is possible for a business foundation to manage volunteering, as well as the CSR program itself. Today we will analyze some corporate volunteering practices that are more common in the Mexican reality, but that do not necessarily reveal the benefit that a corporation can receive by promoting and strengthening employee participation in public affairs. Some of the Mexican corporate volunteering practices begin with the definition of whether it is more convenient (for the company, obviously) for the future volunteers who will represent it in the community to carry out volunteer work during work hours or not. The second criterion that needs to be resolved is whether a budget should be allocated to promote the activity. It happens in the company as in some areas of government that these types of activities can be considered as an expense, or as an investment. Some managers see it as something superficial and distracting to the employee who can take up part of their time for which they are hired for purposes unrelated to their work priorities.

Without a doubt, encouraging the volunteer Phone Number List program is a matter of profitability. Until now, stingy criteria have been imposed because either the benefit and return on investment are not immediately perceived, or because visibility actions are urgently needed to build an element of distinction compared to competitors. It is considered that to present the socially responsible face of the company, the corporation has to do it, that is, cover the fashionable topics: give donations or place its employees in public tasks "so that they can be seen" and it happens that the company is willing to invest in uniforms, t-shirts, t-shirts and caps with the logo and, if necessary, allocate partial financial resources to carry out the activity. In this way, activism is the first element on which some corporate volunteering practices are based. For example, reforestation is chosen. The activity is organized, employees (and their families) are summoned, a good photographer is hired, trees are planted, and an advertorial is written and produced. This makes it possible to convey the company's social work to clients and other interest groups. That's wrong? Not in any way. All actions welcome. But the questions that should be answered are: What does the company gain? What do its employees and family members get? Is there a long-range commitment? Is it all the company can do? Considering the presence of three pillars of a corporate volunteering practice, such as: time, budget and the activity to be carried out, they determine the model.

These are some realities that occur in Mexico: Some companies do not have a formally established program and do not even recognize that their employees volunteer on their own without disregarding work time. Rather, it is a situation that is foreign to both parties, the employee can be a scout, a Rotarian, a Red Cross first responder, or possibly help in a nursing home. Within the company it is known that this employee does it but it has no connection to stimulate his growth within the corporation, evaluate his professional performance for a promotion or economic bonus; consider leading a new project, etc. This way the company does not get involved with it. He congratulates her on choosing him and nothing more. Other companies, motivated by the stimuli described above, decide to organize a volunteer program, but they want to invest as little as possible. It is not defined whether the company will encourage certain activities or leave it up to employees (who are already volunteers) to decide where to intervene. Other employees, those new to these activities, are invited to join. Usually a human resources person is designated as the person responsible for organizing the activities and internal resources are available to mobilize people to the selected action for advertising purposes, for example. The employee who is already a volunteer in a civil association or in its community can request funds to support its cause.

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