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will pay more attention to the









发表于 2024-2-14 15:06:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Amazon FBA inventory survival rate Maintaining the survival rate of Amazon's FBA inventory is a way for Amazon to track the IPI score. The higher the number, it means that your store's inventory is normal, and the greater the impact due to out-of-stocks. 5. Reduce order defect rate The order defect rate is the main indicator of buyer experience. According to Amazon's policies, sellers should maintain an order defect rate of less than 1% in order to sell products on Amazon.

An order defect rate higher  Luxembourg Email List than 1% may face the risk of account deactivation. The update of this feature is also intended to show that Amazon hopes that sellers security of their accounts, so they should not commit any violations, otherwise they will easily risk deactivation of their accounts. Disclaimer: The content of the article does not represent the position of this site. This site does not give any guarantee, implication or commitment to the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of its content.


It is for readers' reference only. The copyright of the article belongs to the original author. If the content of this article affects your legitimate rights and interests (content, pictures, etc.), please contact this site in time and we will delete it in time. Label:Amazon operations Three updates to Amazon features before 2023 Amazon Prime Day Ah, you have absolutely no ideaJune 26, 2023 11:48Read (104)Comment(0) At this time, you can search directly using ASIN, which will make it easier and more convenient to analyze competing products.
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