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One of the best places to start for content









发表于 2024-2-14 18:15:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Places To Get Ideas for Your SEO Content Short on content ideas? Feeling uninspired? Never fear. I have five places where you get ideas for your next webpage or blog article. Keywords + search results Internal subject matter experts Sales, marketing, or the customer Competitors Existing content FAQ: How can I find compelling content ideas for my website or blog? 1. Keywords + Search Results ideas from an SEO perspective is your keyword list. Of course, keyword phrases can look like “blah” to a writer and leave much room for interpretation. So the goal here is to understand the angle for any given keyword. For this, you can turn to the search results (or use SEO tools for better accuracy) to view the content on Page 1 of the search results for a keyword. Creating great content then might be as simple as reviewing all the ranked content on Page 1, compiling ideas and then putting your expert spin on it. Using keywords plus search results for inspiration is a great way to generate ideas for your next piece of content.

But remember: No duplicate content. The content should still be original enough to stand out among the content that is already ranking. 2. Internal Subject Matter Experts There is a treasure trove of information right at your fingertips if you turn to the Russia Email List subject matter experts (SME) at your company or the client’s company you serve. If you haven’t already, consider building a list of subject matter experts within the company and their areas of expertise. You can use this list in different ways: Engage them for ideas to write about. Use them for expert quotes or a sounding board on the content you are creating. To formally set up these SMEs into a content program that will generate ideas for you, you are going to need buy-in from the top. In other words, make sure the higher-ups make it clear that content is an important initiative companywide. It can be hard for people to want to divert their resources toward website content for the company when they have competing deadlines.

But permission from the boss can open up more opportunities for them to contribute. And some people may get excited about being able to share their ideas publicly. You might consider creating a simple form where people can submit their content ideas as they have them, so you can add them to a backlog and use those ideas when you need them. 3. Sales, Marketing, or the Customer The people inside the company who are closest to the customer can offer a lot of ideas that can turn into great content. It’s not uncommon for the sales team, for example, to be short on the content they need to give to the prospect to either address their FAQs or move them further down the sales funnel. Why not help them out by creating a web asset they can use? The marketing team should be well-versed on the customer and their needs as well. What sort of web content would help them in their efforts to reach the target audience? If it’s appropriate, reach out to the customer directly.

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