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Ricard Camarena: What we do is extract the soul from the product









发表于 2023-11-29 19:12:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Respect for the product is a feeling that is immediately felt when you walk through the big, heavy door that separates the outside world from the world of Ricard Camarena. In a more than suitable location, in the courtyard of Bombas Gens Center d'Art , sticking out his chest and defending that gastronomy is an art as can any of the exhibitions inside the museum, we are welcomed by this chef with a history of possession under his belt. two Michelin stars.

The world of Ricard Camarena is a space where the produce from the garden is the undisputed protagonist in every bite. The two-time winner of the coveted Michelin star opens the doors of his kitchen to us.

Link with the farmer
And, that product, as it could not be otherwise, comes from the Valencian garden of the select group of farmers and suppliers in whom Camarena trusts. "I practice cooking where the important part is the product that we have nearby because it gives me many advantages when it comes to personalizing it," she says. He explains his relationship with Toni, his supplier, “almost like family” , like this: “The more time you dedicate to a relationship, the more beautiful it is, the more projects come to fruition, the more loyalty it generates and, in the end, the more bond and commitment too.” ».

Each 'teacher' understands the product in a different way. In Camarena's the aromatic part is very present. «Sometimes, we subject the product to heat treatments or cooking where in reality what we do is extract the soul. I try to promote techniques and methods where the product is respected in a much more comprehensive way, where the aromatic part remains intact. This generates a much longer flavor ," says the chef, who welcomes us in his work uniform: a pristine white jacket.

“Fidelity and commitment” are the two requests that Ricard Telegram Number Data Camarena demands of his team. You might think that awards and recognition are the goal of any restaurant of this type, but that is not his thinking. From him: «I don't think that maintaining or getting more Michelin stars is the demanding part of this story. The approach is different. In the end, you are the one who sets yourself new challenges every day that may or may not bring you closer to the stars. And he adds: «The objective is to work in a way that is more in line with your vision and commitment. And that commitment doesn't always get you close to recognition. What is never acceptable is working against your priorities.

'Give up'
Has Ricard Camarena ever thought about 'throwing in the towel'? "I think it goes through everyone's mind in any situation, project, and even relationship to think: 'That's enough,'" he responds with a laugh. The shine in his eyes reveals that there are still many menus to be served in his restaurants. «When you reach a saturation point you take stock and, in the end, you realize that it almost never has exactly to do with the work or the project. It's more a matter of false expectations or because you need a change ," he clarifies.

Five restaurants in Valencia
With five restaurants open – Central Bar , Bar Camarena reflects that the brand, that his 'House', has grown exponentially in recent years. Of course, he is clear about the secret of his success: customer satisfaction. «It is impossible to live apart from that. Even if you have a recognized brand, success is always ephemeral if it is not supported by a social mass of loyal and happy followers ," he adds.

Added to the product and commitment is another ingredient on the menu of this menu: non-conformity. Or, in other words, the interest in giving the client a close and familiar treatment in which he feels well cared for.

«We always want to give our best version and that the point of improvement is always in the objective. That nonconformity of thinking that we are never doing things completely right runs through the company from top to bottom ," he says.

Autumn, winter, spring and summer have no place in the kitchen of this kitchen: "The season here is day to day . " And he defends that “there are no products that have to be there because the calendar says so. We pay close attention to what is happening in the garden, to what our producers and suppliers offer us and, also, to the enthusiasm with which we can see those ingredients . Changes in the cards, therefore, are weekly. Even alterations to some of the proposals are daily.

"The best product of any moment is the one that will never be missing from our plates ," he maintains.

What do you think of 'superfoods'?
Cooking and nutrition are two concepts inevitably linked. For this reason, we asked Ricard Camarena his opinion about the so-called 'superfoods' – a series of foods that apparently provide various health benefits. The Valencian is clear: "I don't think they are so necessary now, nor do I think they have stopped being so for so many years . " And he points out that a "balanced and moderate" diet that includes "a very important part of plant foods, proteins and unrefined carbohydrates is always a diet where you will not have those deficiencies that make you focus on superfoods." » .

And he adds: «Obviously, like almost everything in life, they are important marketing operations. Now the attention is focused there and tomorrow somewhere else. In the end, the industry and its interests generate certain needs for us. Afterwards, each consumer is free, with his or her consumption, to bet on that option or not .

Is Ricard Camarena looking to add a third Michelin star to his record? «Everything is welcome, but that does not depend on me, nor can it be a short-term objective because we work in an organic and possible way. We make the cuisine that we can afford, that we like and that we believe fits our vision. If one day Michelin thinks that this deserves three stars it will be wonderful. And if not, we are not going to generate something in a direction opposite to the one we are taking.

With a base of products from the Valencian garden, seasoned with a pinch of commitment and non-conformity and a light touch of aroma of love for the diner, Ricard Camarena says goodbye to his talk with this medium, returning, of course, to his kitchen.

If you want to visit it, Ricard Camarena Restaurant has been located in the Bombas Gens Center d'Art facilities for nearly five years , an art space promoted by the Fundació Per Amor a l'Art . In this way, the brick walls of this old hydraulic pump factory house a place in which the product of the Valencian garden is the protagonist of each dish. Entering this restaurant is like visiting a museum in which sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch remain alert from the moment the threshold is crossed until the diner takes the last bite of the plate in front of him.

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