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Yolanda, we need Century Leninism”









发表于 2024-2-19 13:11:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Yes Yolanda, we still need this political theory from the last century, and I think even more so now. From Leninism as a sociopolitical theory and practice to build the organization in Spain capable of directing, or contributing to, the progress in these moments of crisis towards profound social and political transformations based on the experience of this first progressive coalition government, the best possible government today and surely tomorrow. “Leninism” in order to develop the political conception to guide and attempt to govern the current political process open in Spain. We called it “party”, “ the party ”. Call it what you like, but the function is important . And for this Lenin, then Gramsci, and others, Carrillo among them, left us enough elements for reflection and proposals, also experiences. Now it is time to apply them in a reality of time, place and specific situation that is quite different, but with a similar reference: the will, and awareness of its need, to influence society , in social action, and at the same time capture the essentials of the collective will.

Lenin_Yolanda I have referred to this at various times in this last stage . Now I want to stop to apply it to a topic that I understand is not secondary as part of today's global project, in 2022, when you have launched a “ listening ” process. I want to send you my comments to be heard in relation to the war, NATO,... and with the important group of our citizens who define themselves around the slogan "NO NATO, bases out." A global governance of Active Phone Number List our world capable of preventing wars and tying the hands of the madmen who seek to unleash them It is easy to agree on the objective of a world without wars, without bases, without military blocs. The problem is how to get there, if proclaiming the objective is enough for the walls to fall. Or, as I believe, it means achieving the only thing that today can guarantee such an objective: a global governance of our world capable of preventing wars and tying the hands of the madmen who seek to unleash them. And that is where, beyond the good intentions with which all hells.

Are paved, an adequate political project and its assumption by a sufficient social majority is essential. To achieve the necessary global governance without NATO, without military bases, we first need to defeat Putin in Ukraine and prevent him from going further crazy, attempting new territorial conquests for his “Russian greatness”, bringing us to the brink of a nuclear war or rushing us into it. . Letter to Yolanda Díaz from a banker, economist and retiree And for this we are in great need of a successful military defense policy, proposal and practice in all areas of politics. Not only, and not so much, of the political success of the rulers in power, certainly indispensable, but of little effectiveness and projection without sufficient social support, which is essential to advance through the thousand difficulties that will be encountered every day and that will only be surmountable with the citizens involved, overcoming the current distrust in politics , the generalized discredit of the rulers, of the “political class” that includes the management groups of the political, administrative and social institutions.

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