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Javier Milei extended the intervention of the AFI









发表于 2024-2-19 14:11:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The new Government of Javier Milei extended this Wednesday the intervention of the AFI (Federal Intelligence Agency) and made official the appointment of lawyer Silvestre Sívori as auditor of the former SIDE (State Intelligence Secretariat). Both measures were communicated through two decrees that were published in the latest edition of the official bulletin . Decree which establishes Sívori as auditor with "powers of government and administration", bore the signatures of the new President and his Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse . Sívori is a 39-year-old young man, a former official in the government of Mauricio Macri and the City of Buenos Aires .

From and until the end of Cambiemos' mandate Europe Mobile Number List he was director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Transportation, led by Guillermo Dietrich. He also worked in the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and was in charge of the legal area of ​​the Ministry of Transportation, also with Dietrich, between and . Meanwhile, decreewhich provides for the intervention of the AFI for "two years or until the reasons that motivated the intervention cease," also had the signatures of the eight government ministers. This period can be "extended for another equal period" by Sívori himself.

The AFI was intervened until the end of by decision of the Alberto Fernández government. As detailed in the document, the purpose was to guarantee "the faithful fulfillment of the objectives and purposes attributed to the entity by the law of its creation, until its institutional normalization." Video Lawyer specialized in administrative law, he was part of the Ministry of Transportation of the City of Buenos Aires and the Nation. However, it is noted that " The intervention of the AFI implied a notable institutional setback to the detriment of the objectives", while at the same time "no significant advances were achieved in the career of the staff or in transparen.

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