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A dangerous red line









发表于 2024-3-9 14:13:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The pandemic fatigue to which we are subject as a society is leading us to a critical point, which I believe is one of no return , as a legal society. We are seeing in different states of the European Union, even in Autonomous Communities, regulations aimed at making Covid-19 vaccination mandatory . These regulations, the Galician one in particular, have already been declared unconstitutional by our High Court because "it involves coercive corporal intervention." Not even a few months ago the “Euthanasia Law” was finally approved. A law that gives terminally ill people freedom over their bodies. A debated law, such as abortion, same-sex marriage or many others, but they managed to bring, black on white, the feelings of society to the law books. These laws required consensus. Long plenary sessions. With opposition from the most retrograde groups, but, in the end, society made its way despite those politicians who so often go on a different path than the one the people are headed. With this in mind we cannot allow ourselves to be carried away by fear.

Irresponsible policies. We cannot set precedents as dangerous as forced and mandatory vaccination. We cannot give up our freedom, not even for the greater good. As a society, we cannot allow our rights to be curtailed by increased, magnified fear, by repetition and reiteration. Allowing us to lose the right to choose about our own body is very dangerous. Lost rights are not recovered when one wants. They are only recovered if the person who owns it wishes to return it and it is quite Australia Phone Number likely that he or she will not do so. Personally, I think getting vaccinated is necessary. That socially, those who want to must be given the possibility of doing so. But as in many other things, such as the defense of Spain with weapons, it cannot be forced. It has been a long time, since 2001, since military service has not been mandatory. Even before, conscientious objection existed. Everyone understands that they cannot force you to take up a weapon to defend, not even Spain. The vaccine is a weapon against a disease The vaccine is not the panacea. It is not the final solution either. It does not ensure that people do not get sick or die. What's more, you can die as a side effect.

So why give up our rights? The right over our own body for something that does not even ensure a victory against our enemy. On the contrary, the main cause of death in Spain in young people is suicide. Why aren't the news repeating it over and over again? Aren't the lives of our young people important to our society? Isn't having young people working a priority for the maintenance of the pension system? I say this because it seems that the suffering behind the mental illnesses, traumas and pure pain that leads them to that terrible decision is not of sufficient relevance to initiate a National Plan against Suicide and Mental Illness. Maybe we do talk about pensions and pesetas, it seems of media importance to them. Governments of different colors want to take away our rights, even over our bodies. It seems that the only thing they are going to leave us is the right to our own life. Or maybe they even want to take that away from us again.

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