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It requires you to digitalize your marketing









发表于 2024-3-10 16:45:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Your marketing and sales strategy is no longer suitable The buyer prefers to talk to Google rather than a salesperson. It is a fact. We just need to look at how we buy as a consumer to validate this. why do your marketing and commercial digitalization  slnweb The buyer wants to lead the way, much to the chagrin of your salespeople. Faced with this, there are two postures for a CEO. Either you put pressure on your salespeople by requiring them to increase their efforts tenfold, hoping that this will be enough to guarantee growth. Either you decide to modernize your marketing and sales strategy.

Deep down, you know what the best option is, but this requires you to question yourself Mexico Phone Number Data and change a lot of things. And change is scary! In fact, you have no choice. The buyer is always more connected and autonomous in their purchasing considerations.  and sales strategy. Without that, your salespeople will go see if the digital grass is greener elsewhere You dont have Marketing or its useless! Commercial prospecting is no longer just the business of salespeople. And yes. Since the buyer wants to carry out their purchasing considerations alone and at their own pace,

It is essential that Marketing implements a strategy to attract their attention on the Internet. This strategy is either lead generation or inbound marketing . If you dont have a Marketing resource, you can get support. If your Marketing department spends its time sending emails and making PowerPoints, you are throwing your money out the window and risk losing your salespeople. Today, Marketing must generate Leads for salespeople Youre not investing in the right tools The buyer is connected, your salespeople must be too. Today there are many tools to help your salespeople increase productivity and comfort.

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