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In this context, companies in the sector must maintain their









发表于 2024-3-12 13:38:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Responsibility even more in force and comply with the new requirements of the authorities regarding the burials of people infected by covid-19, considered manuel ramírez, general director of j. García lópez funeral homes. He commented that in the past 30 days they provided around 70 funeral services Spain Mobile Number List related to deaths due to respiratory problems (39 atypical pneumonia and 31 covid-19), increasing funeral services by 10%. He explained that the context of covid-19 requires more specialized treatment of bodies deceased by the pandemic. “we regularly treat bodies that died from hiv, hepatitis, influenza, etc., however, the coronavirus requires new health schemes. "It requires us to be more responsible with our employees, who must wear astronaut-style suits so that they have adequate protection and avoid illnesses." he recalled that covid-19 is a very contagious virus, causing the viewing sites and the cremation ovens themselves to be constantly satinized.

He exemplified that its facilities are certified by the federal environmental protection agency (profepa) as a clean industry, because its crematory ovens require compliance with various energy-saving procedures - they operate at 9 thousand degrees celsius - and mitigate carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon. In accordance with the health guide issued by the federal government and endorsed by the world health organization (who), applicable to deaths due to infectious diseases, cremation is recommended as the final destination; however, it is made known that if the choice is burial, it can be carried out under the usual conditions.

Manuel ramírez explained that funeral companies must work with the authorities in communicating with society so that they understand that there are times when they will not be able to have contact and say goodbye to their deceased. For his part, jorge arredondo, director of santa gloria velatorios, declared that the social responsibility of funeral services that must be multiplied in this emergency is to be close to the low-income population and serve this sector. He indicated that funeral homes were transformed by the presence of covid-19 and have increased their health systems. "In our case, we carry out three daily sanitizations of the facilities to have a healthy environment, and the staff also has better protective equipment against infectious and contagious diseases.

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