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How to conduct interviews with clients









发表于 2024-3-12 14:04:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Brand why do you need to refresh your brand? There are a few reasons, including: maintaining relevant position as an employer and supplier; infuse new energy and excitement into your brand; attract new employees, customers and partners; and stand out from the competition. How do we know when it's time to renew your brand? We often say that the only true differentiator today – in a world where products and services are increasingly basic – is customer experience . This is actually the case. When products and services become commoditized, and/or the brand has become obsolete (and customers are lost), it is time to rebrand. What else? Well, when there are: inconsistencies in experience – for both employees and customers, new products and services, mergers and acquisitions that change the employee mix and customer mix, new product or service launches, or any other changes that is outside the norm of your daily life in recent years, it is time for a refreshment. What does that entail, a true brand renewal? Here are 7 elements at the foundation of the brand refresh.

Start here, and the rest will come naturally. 1.Ensures the commitment of executives first things first, without a commitment from the top to support and embrace this work ahead, it will not happen. Often a brand refresh of traditional thinking is dictated from the top, but if you're using my definition, it takes a little more effort to get executives on board and aligned. 2. Understand the current state of the brand what is the current state of the brand, customer experience, your employer Netherlands Mobile Number List brand, candidate experience, employee experience? Understand the current state to know what is wrong today that needs to be refreshed for tomorrow. Do it by listening (feedback and data), characterizing (personas), and empathizing (journey maps) for both customers and employees. 3. Manage data there's no point in doing all that work to understand employees and customers and then doing nothing with what you've learned.

Data must be analyzed, and insights must be generated, disseminated and operationalized. 4. Define goals and objectives now that you know the current state and have identified what needs to be changed, you need to define what the expected future state will be. What are the desired outcomes for both employees and customers? Employees and customers must participate in this work. 5. Evaluate your brand promise you have them all, right? Mission, vision, purpose, values, brand promise. I'd say it's a good time to evaluate them all. Do they still make sense for the direction of your business? If not, do the work of updating, socializing and putting it into practice. 6. Prepare to innovate don't settle for the same old approach when it's time to innovate and design new experiences. Albert einstein was the one who said, “we cannot solve problems using the same type of thinking that we used when we created them.” this couldn't be more true than when it comes to refreshing your brand.

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